Sunday, October 1, 2023

Entry #3 Why Is It Spicy

 I open the plastic and instantly my hairs stick up as I get hit with a freshness sent. I stare at this white circle with a whole in the middle wondering why it's not the color as the plant that gives it this fresh sent. I then slowly pop it in my mouth, and it instantly feels so fresh like I just bit into an ice cube. If I take a deep breath, it will make my mouth water more because it is spicy. It makes all my tastebuds get to work. It reminds me of the scene in ratatouille. It felt as if fireworks were going off in my mouth. It slowly disintegrates in my mouth it almost feels like sand, but the spicy fresh taste is still strong. Once I get to that point, I will start chewing it. After it's all gone the tangy feeling is still left in my mouth when I take a sip of my water it makes me feel like I was in the cold water that Rose and Jack were in. It took my breath away. I like to eat these when I go on road trips in order to keep me up because they are a little spicy. What makes your tastebuds get to work? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What makes my tastebuds go to work is lifesaver gummies. I also love the tone you used in your blog and the descriptions, like the relevance to Ratatouille.

  3. I like the relation to the movies and such. For future reference, if you are talking about a smell, it is spelt "scent" :). My taste buds go crazy for suspicious stew.

  4. I think you are talking about mint lifesavers, I really like your comparison to the ratatouille movie with the fire works going off when you put the mint in your mouth. You also have a great picture to grab the readers attention while keeping the blog short and sweet.


Entry #7 Fresh Food

 After watching the documentary called Fresh released in 2009 it has changed my mind on what I put in my body. In the documentary a couple ...